This is simply because the exponential use of the caret symbol is frequently used for creating and inserting different statistical formulas and mathematical formulas within the Microsoft Excel software. Microsoft Excel users, are you listening? Why have I specifically pointed the Microsoft Excel users here? In Mathematics, the caret symbol is used to represent an exponent, such as exponential power like square or cube. We will discuss the usage of caret symbol one by one in each of these fields in this article, so stay tuned! Uses of caret in Math
Inverted caret symbol windows#
It can be used in mathematics, English, HTML, various programming languages, many regular expressions, windows function, in Microsoft Word, and many more. The caret symbol can be used in several ways and fields.

This is a form of the word ‘Carere’ which means ‘to lack’. In literal sense, it means ‘there is lacking’. Today, we will be discussing about the caret symbol from the beginning to the end in this article. This is basically the inverted letter ‘V’, and is found on every keypad or keyboard in this contemporary world. Well, it is the caret symbol and the symbol of Caret is ^. Can you tell me that which is the least used punctuation mark in conventional writing? No, no! I do not mean that it is not used at all. Did you ever wondered that what is the symbol above the digit 6 on your standard qwerty keyboard?